Sunday, May 10, 2009

Meet Chris Bayer

Mattia Flabiano reports.

Since Hillcrest’s introduction as one of the premier Wizarding institutions in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, it has been home to some unique creatures from around the globe.

“The Cyclone has uncovered various mythological beasts throughout the grounds of Hillcrest,” Cyclone co-founder Erik Severson said, “We’ve confirmed the presence of werewolves, babies, Swine Flu, super sayians, reincarnated presidents, and terrorists, all within the walls of HHS.”

But a recent discovery may trump them all.

Since his arrival at Hillcrest High School, students around campus have called the assistant football and baseball coach, Chris Bayer “peculiar”, “emotionless”, and “funny looking.” It wasn’t until the release of the worldwide blockbuster Star Trek, that people began to understand his true nature.

“Yes, I am a Vulcan.” Bayer revealed to the Cyclone after being assured this information would never reach the public.

This revelation shocked many students around the school, but not all.

“Of course he’s a Vulcan. I don’t think he’s ever smiled,” notorious trekkie Jessie Degani assured the Cyclone. “Mr. Bayer acts exactly like Commander Spock did in season 1, episode 16, when he had to save a group of stranded...”

(The Cyclone can only stand so much Star Trek talk before we lose the will to keep typing.)

“…is so cool, referencing the crossover episode with TNG that is Spock’s last chronological appearance before the new movie,” Degani finished.

Bayer has always aspired to something greater than grunt assistant work. This is why he has recently submitted an application for the assistant principal’s job at a local high school.

“Of course an assistant coach and an assistant principal are not the same thing,” Bayer replied in a monotone, emotionless voice. "Any other assumption would be... illogical."

Bayer’s disclosure of his non-human origin may put a dent in his resume.

“Father’s not very happy with Coach Bayer,” Michael Hinojosa told the Cyclone in an over-the-phone interview. “He’s reporting him to the school governors and the Ministry of Magic.”

Bayer isn’t too worried about the Minister’s reaction.

“I got a great rec from a friend of mine, Rudy Garza.” Bayer told us. All attempts to find this Rudy Garza have been thus far unsuccessful, leading several sources to suggest that Garza either doesn't exist or is in Azkaban.

The emergence of a new species into Hillcrest High School is surprising news to be sure, but the question remains, what else is out there and how long will it be before they are realized?

Hillcrest: boldly going where no school has gone before.


  1. "But a recent discovery made trump them all."

    Did Andrew Asay help you write this?

  2. I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about...

  3. That's a typo. However, making this error twice: "This is why he has recently submitted an application for the assistant principle’s job at a local high school. . .'Of course an assistant coach and an assistant principle are not the same thing,'” is problematic.

  4. too gangsta to know who Chris Bayer isMay 10, 2009 at 5:43 PM

    who the f is chris bayer?
